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Saturday 12 October 2013

Cloth Diaper

I have cloth diapered my first son 100%.  I loved cloth diapering.  I loved the colours, I loved how his bum looked so chubby.  I also didn't mind washing the diapers as much as I did.
My second child however, I cloth diaper him when I am at home only.  He pees so much that I change  him very often.  When we go out I use disposables (the expensive biodegradable ones) on my second child.  I feel so guilty I am not offering him an eco-friendly solution 100% of the time.
At least it's almost 80%.  I should be happy about that.
I have tried FuzziBunz, AppleCheeks, Peachy Baby, Sweet Pea, AMP, Funky Fluff, Rumparoooz, Bumgenius, even the cheap Chinese diapers.

I found throughout my cloth diapering experience that Microfiber was cheaper but its quality degraded over time, use and wash. It also held a stink.  I ended up going towards the Bamboo and Hemp inserts.  These were a little more costly but over time, use and wash, they began to absorb more and quality remained consistent or improved.

The cheap Chinese diapers were cheap but did not last long.  They held a stink as well and eventually delaminated.  You get what you pay for.

That's about all I will share about cloth diapers for now.  Until next time!

Note: All ideas, opinions and reviews expressed are mine and only mine.  I only speak from my personal experience and in no way does this reflect on the brands or its products.

Date Night

Last night was a date night with my husband.  I was so excited all week.  I thought "Great, we are going to go out, hang out, stay up late!"
My eldest son spent the night with grandparents and my youngest son stayed with his older sister at home. 
I dressed up and so did my husband.  It was 5pm and we were ready to hit the town.
Dinner was decent at an overpriced chophouse.  It could have been better, but no big deal, we were out on a date night and we were going to have fun.
My daughter texted me every detail of what was happening. 

"How is your date night going?"
"He ate the soup I got and he loved it"
"He loves soup"
"He pooped 2 times"
"He fell asleep"
"Are you coming home soon?"

Anyways, after dinner we went to see what movies were playing and nothing interested us.
We went bowling instead.  We were having fun!
Then my arm started to hurt, I pulled a muscle, husband's shirt was rubbing against his arm as he bowled.
We called it quits. We were only there for half an hour.

Off we went to the van and sat there trying to figure out what to do next.
The night was young, right!

We sat there for a good 20 minutes. was never this hard to figure out what to do pre-kids.

We decided to go home and rent a movie.  We got home at 9pm and by 10pm we were sleeping.

Well, that was an eventful night! We partied hard and stayed up until late.

Life of parent. I wouldn't change it for the world though.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


This is my first entry.  Not sure how this blogging things is going to pan out, but I am giving it a try.  :-)
What can I say.... I am a busy mom, housewife and business partner.
I have two boys under 5, one daughter in her 20s, a little dog and a wonderful husband.
I stay at home for my boys and I also care for my nephew.
In my spare time, I am helping my husband with his 2 businesses.

I will try to blog about where I have travelled, what I am doing, where I am going. 
I will also share products, recipes and articles that I find interesting.

My extended family is from the old country so there is some humorous things that happen which I may share.
All the adventures of this momma!